• School Counselor - My life is still moving forward. An update would include my decision to move from family counseling to school counseling. To do this I have added a Maste...
    10 years ago

Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 18 Better Pictures

Its now day 18. Things are going better. My swelling is now just in my lower face. I still look and speak funny. I still drool when I eat, and sometimes just for no reason. Kids still stare at me trying to figure it out. It is cute and doesn't bother me at all. I am sleeping better and not waking up so miserable. Thank goodness! The upper part of my lip still has pain, but it is manageable. My right upper jaw aches some but not too bad. I am just now to the point where I can say "I am glad I had the surgery". It has been a hard road. I weigh 123 pounds now. Liquid Diet... the way to loose weight. lol

I am going to try to work some next week. I have a finance report that is past due, so maybe I can hide out and work on it. We will see how that goes.

Many thanks to my friends and family reading this blog that sent gifts, cards and flowers. They are just great. I am blessed with friends near and far and I so appreciate it.


  1. You look so young!! You look really great and I am so glad you are feeling better emotionally. How much weight have you lost? I'm looking forward to losing some pounds that I've packed on. Your results are great! :)

  2. Thanks Aimee. I was 136 before surgery. My doctor is fussing and saying I should not lose more than 15 lbs, but how do you stop losing weight when all you get to eat is soup? He has not cleared me for chewing yet. Maybe next visit. I don't mind though. I am getting pretty good at this blender diet. lol

  3. That's about what I am right now. I have been eating like a pig since I found out had a surgery date and packed on about 10 pounds. I don't like it. :) YOu lost quite a bit in a short amount of time. Do you feel weak at all or you are getting enough calories to stay strong?

  4. You look so much younger!! Those are great pictures and I'm glad you're finally feeling better. Wahoo!!!

  5. Aimee, I am eating a blended potato and two shakes a day. Sometimes I add in chicken broth or minestrone soup. I also juice every morning which is probably where I get most of my vitamins. I am trying to stay healthy and active through all of this. I also add protean powder to some of my drinks to help get that in. I bought clothes that fit so I wouldn't look sick when I go out. I am doing well. Thanks for asking.
    Stephanie, Thanks for the "young" compliment. At age 41, I appreciate it. I do wonder if I will have wrinkles after all this swelling goes down. I hope not. : )

  6. Rita you're looking great!! SO glad to see you're feeling better. Good luck with your return to work... Believe it or not, I started feeling even better once I went back, I think it helped a lot to get back to my normal routine, and have something to do besides count the days till my next check up. :)

  7. Holy cow, you look fantastic! I'm happy that your recovery is at a manageable level. Keep us informed of your progress! :)

  8. I did go to work today. The morning was hard but the afternoon was better. I will go back on Wednesday. Thanks for the compliments. I am feeling much better about the surgery now. : )

  9. Hey! To answer your question, nope, it doesn't hurt when I bite and chew. It definitely felt weird at first, but nothing I'd call pain. When I bite into something (like the cheeseburger), my front teeth kind of have that feeling like when you recently have a braces adjustment, but even that goes away after a few bites. I'd call it "weird" and definitely not "painful".

    The only time something hurts is when I try to push a little to open a little wider, and even that isn't too bad and goes away as soon as I close. Just like stiff muscles after sleeping in a wonky position or something like that :)

  10. You look great! If it makes you feel any better, I still drool a little. The oddest sensation that I have going right now is that when I drink something cold, my lower right side of the chin feels all tingly and cold. I "think" that i am drooling when really I'm not. Still occasionally I do drool. I guess that will all get worked out in time.

    Best wishes for continued improvement!
