• School Counselor - My life is still moving forward. An update would include my decision to move from family counseling to school counseling. To do this I have added a Maste...
    10 years ago

Monday, November 9, 2009

Here we go!!!!

I went to the orthodontist today so he could explain everything to me. This is the plan..... I start on Friday by getting a heavy gauge wire on top. He is going to put the power chain on bottom.

They have ordered some TAD's for the surgeon to place in my bones. This is the strange part... he will place these TAD's (temporary anchorage devices) in my bone above and between my teeth. These screws will go directly in the bone so the orthodontist can put wire from the TAD to the brackets to torque the top front teeth forward. This is a 6 to 8 month process that may prevent surgery. He said not to bet on that because the purpose of this procedure is to get me "surgery ready" by spring or summer. (I can dream, right?)

I am glad surgery is a few months away, but I am concerned about the pain level involved with screws in my bone... but come to think about it, we surgery patients have many screws and metal in our bones. I guess it will be okay.

Has anyone else out there had TADs? How did you do with them?

Well I feel as if I am starting over. Maybe next time we will get it right. : )

Thanks for all the comments. I appreciate the support!!!

Blessings to you all....


  1. good luck with TAD. You have come this far, hang in there. I'm sure you'll do well.

  2. Wow. I have no knowledge of TADs except for reading about them once in a while on the larger forums. (Archwired had a few people who went this route...)

    Do you a have a date for when surgeon is placing them? Will be hoping and praying all goes well with this and that this time, all really does go just as planned :)

  3. I'm sure it's not as painful as it sounds. If someone described the Lefort and BSSO surgeries to you, then they too would "sound" very painful! But we both know, they're not! Good luck with everything! I'm so glad you're doing well...

  4. Hi Rita! Wow, I haven't been on the jaw surgery blog scene in quite awhile. You have had a lot going on. I've never heard of TAD's. Sounds interesting. I'm sure it will all work out this time! XO

  5. I have never heard of those either! I hope that they're like braces in that they hurt for a little while after you get them worked on, but you forget about them until the next time. Keep us posted on how things are going!

  6. Sorry you've got more to come with this whole thing! I'm still at the phase where hearing about surgery is a good thing! lol
    I don't know much about TADs either, but from what I've read on archwired, they aren't too painful, and the installation on them isn't too bad either. I think the idea of something screwed into your jaw sounds worse than what actually having one will be like.
    Good luck with them, anyway!

  7. Ok, I may too late for this info but here goes. I had TADS to pull my top upper teeth outward. They numbed my gum above my upper teeth with a gel, then screwed the screws into my bone directly under my nose--as far up as you can lift your upper lip. They then attached white string to the screw heads and the other end to my upper front wire. Did it hurt to put the screws in? No--the worst part was when the inside of my upper lip turned white and peeled off, plus the inside of my upper lip was sore from becoming accustomed to rubbing against the strings--this hurt for approx 1 week after the screws were put in-not to mention it was gross--especially when the skin dangled down or became caught in the braces. Nice visual, huh? I looked like Hannibal Lector and this was the worst part of the whole braces experience. When I talked or smiled it looked like I had something stuck to my teeth. Good luck!

  8. Thanks Carmenh! I appreciate the info. I have not gotten them yet due to they are being ordered. I have no idea when they will be put in, but now that you told me this, I hope I do not have to deal with them on Christmas week! Thanks so much. I will post when I get them put in! : )

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