• School Counselor - My life is still moving forward. An update would include my decision to move from family counseling to school counseling. To do this I have added a Maste...
    10 years ago

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Second Surgery

Hello All,
This picture is of me and my beautiful daughter in Charlotte NC going to see the Phantom of the Opera. It was great!

I had a visit to the orthodontist last Friday. He first said I still had some swelling in my cheeks and lower jaw, which I was happy to hear because I am hoping to see more cheekbone in the future. While I was happy with that comment he breaks the other news. He said it was too soon to tell, but I may be better off with the second surgery. : (

While they were changing my bands, my mouth had to stay open longer than normal and my lower jaw started hurting. With my bad news and the pain in my lower jaw, the tears started to stream down the side of my face.

My doctor came over and wiped my eyes and the lady started saying she didn't mean to hurt me and he said to her that I was just worried. He was absolutely right!

Well, everything else is going well. I am eating much better now and the swelling is going away. It is definitely a day-by day-process. I am happy with the results thus far. I still have an underbite, but the space in the back of my teeth is looking better. I will see the surgeon at the end of the month. I will let you know how it turns out.

Hope you all are doing well. Blessings!!! : )


  1. I LOVE the Phantom of the Opera! I've seen it 3 times and it gets better each time. Hurray!

    You are looking so great!! I'm keeping you in my thoughts about the second surgery thing, hopefully it can be avoided :(

    Keep us updated!

  2. Oh Rita, I hope you don't have to have another surgery. How does it work? Is it as invasive as the first one? What exactly went wrong?? I'm praying for you!

  3. I'm sorry that you are dealing with all this. Hopefully you can have this issue corrected without the surgery. I guess, if you do have to have it ... you're worth it. You've gotten this far and I really hope you get that perfect smile.

  4. Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I appreciate you guys.

    I am going to see the surgeon at the end of the month. I will ask those questions, Katherine Kelly.

    I will give another update after the surgeon visit. Blessings to you all. : )

  5. You and your daughter look lovely in the photo! I'll be thinking about you with all of this second surgery business... I hope if you do have to have it, that it will be easier to bear than the first surgery!

  6. Jaw surgery really is a rollercoaster. It goes up and down, and all we can do is to hold on tight. I hope you don't have to deal with a second surgery, but if it can't be helped, I know you will have the strength to go through it again.

    Thanks for your encouragement on my blog. :-)

  7. Thanks so much for your comment, Rita. I read back over your recovery and it was really reassuring that breathing wasn't a problem! I might have to pick your brain a bit after I meet with the surgeon tomorrow.
    I'm so sorry to hear they still think the second surgery might be necessary! Hopefully you'll get some good news at your next appointment.
