• School Counselor - My life is still moving forward. An update would include my decision to move from family counseling to school counseling. To do this I have added a Maste...
    10 years ago

Monday, March 23, 2009

Surgical Hooks

Today was my last visit to the orthodontist until after surgery. He put the surgical hooks on for the bands. The worst part was holding my mouth open so long. My jaws got very tired. I was so glad when it was over. Now I am getting used to the little hooks everywhere. I will probable use the wax tonight. : )

The hardest part right now is not the braces or the hooks, it is finishing my algebra class early. Has anyone ever tried to "cram" algebra. Wow, who knew it would be so time consuming. I think I am eating and sleeping algebra. : / I was hoping to take the finals this week, but it may be next week. That will be okay, at least the instructor is working with me to complete this course early. I am happy about that. I am not sure about my History class yet. It is online, so if I do have to work on it post surgery I will not have to go to class. Well enough whining. I will post updates next week. Blessings!

Friday, March 13, 2009

A New Friend

A friend of mine called and told me about a friend of hers that has had upper jaw surgery. I was excited to meet someone who has had this surgery. She was so nice and helped me a lot. She was able to answer my questions and give me tips on what I needed before and after the surgery. Not only has she had the surgery, but she teaches students to become dentist. It was great to meet her. And for us who maybe a little nervous about facial changes... she is beautiful. : ) Thanks K.

Telling My Dad

Today was the day! You have to know my Dad to understand. I have been pretty spoiled all my life. My Dad raised my sister and me, mostly by himself. He has always been very protective over us, so I was more than a little nervous about telling him about this surgery. The surgery is now 25 days away, so knowing that I can't hide it forever, I figured I had better tell him so today was the day! I went to his office while I had a couple of hours free and ask him to sit down. Then I told him. He actually took it quite well. I was surprised. Whew, now that's over! I am on my way to Bed Bath and Beyond for a wedge pillow and maybe a body pillow. This part is fun, I get to go shopping! (and yes... I am a 41 year old spoiled child, and loving it!) I hope to spoil my children that long too. : )

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Surgery Scheduled

Okay, so here is what happened. I went to the orthodontist today for the regular visit hoping to nail down the surgery date which was to be in May or June. When Dr. B. looked at my teeth, he said everything is lined up and ready to go. So he called Dr. M. and scheduled my surgery for April 7th. Oh' my goodness! I am now feeling nervous. That is only five weeks away. Will I be ready? I still have classes to finish and loose ends with house and kids. I will make it... I hope.

One thing about the "nervous" part is the change in my appearance. My nurse told me to expect a lot of change. She said, "you can't move jaws forward 8mm and correct deviated septum and not see change". I hope it is a good change. She then went on to tell me about a patient she had once that needed counseling due to he couldn't get used to the change in his appearance. She said he looked great, but just had issues with the difference. Has anyone else heard of this?

All I know is I will be happy when I stop biting the inside of my mouth every time I eat, and I can chew and swallow without looking as if I ate the whole thing at one time, and my TMJ stops hurting, and I can breath when I lay down. All this should make it worth it. I sure hope so anyway.

My pre op appointment is March 31st so I guess I will fill you in more then. Hope you all are doing well. See ya.